Tree of Life OT

Welcome to Tree of Life OT. Occupational Therapy (OT) is a regulated healthcare profession dedicated to removing physical, psychological, and environmental barriers hindering individuals from engaging in activities essential to their lives.

The term "occupation" extends beyond traditional work or employment. In OT, occupation refers to any activities individuals desire or need to perform daily, encompassing tasks from personal care to leisure pursuits. While Occupational Therapists commonly assist individuals with disabilities, the universal principles of Occupational Therapy offer potential benefits to everyone, irrespective of ability.

At Tree of Life OT, my mission is to democratize the tools, resources, and wisdom of Occupational Therapy, extending their accessibility to all individuals and families, regardless of disability status. Employing a holistic approach, I assess clients' physical, environmental, and psychosocial factors that influence their pursuits. Collaborating with clients, I co-create tailored solutions that foster health, safety, independence, and a profound sense of empowerment.

OT interventions are diverse and versatile. Some common goals include:

Tree of Life OT is committed to assisting individuals in overcoming obstacles, adapting to challenges, and enhancing their quality of life through personalized Occupational Therapy strategies.